Sunday, January 3, 2010

I Wonder

I pay alot of attention to current events, do alot of reading, and think current events through what I believe Scripture says about the world, human beings, human nature and God's overall plan for all of us...whether we acknowledge Him or not. I enjoy it frankly, and alot of times am amazed at how dense we are, and reluctant to consider Him. Then I have to remind myself that I haven't always done that my life for me and family, what suited us. Fortunately, I had been raised in "the c hurch" so I had a background in Biblical truth. When God wanted to get my attention in my 36th year, He had that background to use...and He did. As a child and young person, there was a terrific lady in our church who taught with flannelgraph...a board covered with flannel and a scene sketched on it for background. Then she had paper figures that she placed on the flannel to help her tell the story. She frequently talked and taught on prophecy, and I found myself fascinated. I read alot and got a pretty good grip on what the Bible taught abou9t the future. Now...I find myself living in it, what I mean is prophetic times. Recently, since 9-11 I began thinking about Israel, the Arabs and the conflict. So I searched out the background, made myself a timeline and checked out what God had to say in His Word about the conflict. Fascinating stuff!

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